Change (verb) – to be uncomfortable. Growth often requires us to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The last few years have certainly taught everyone on the planet this very fact. And yet, we don’t need a pandemic to teach us this principle of life. There is change all around us, all the time— the leaves on/off the trees, our gut health pre- and post-holidays, our sleep cycles, our priorities, etc. Change is often viewed as a negative, because it will require us to lean into the unknown. What if, instead, you viewed change as an inevitable? And what if, instead of viewing this inevitability from an anxious, confused, or fearful mentality, you embraced the changes happening around you by practicing mindfulness and engaging in the process of change by actively building a support system and coping ahead with the things likely to come? Here at the Center for Grit and Growth, we want to help you keep your eyes on the metaphorical windshield— at home, in your job, and with your relationships. When we spend too much time attending to things in the rear-view mirror or the GPS, we sometimes forget to be where our feet are, and find ourselves feeling resentful, guilty, frustrated, nervous, or stuck. Reach out today to see if we’re a good fit to help you navigate your current season of change!
October 5, 2021
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